Create Client

You can register a client by manually entering the client's information into the LinguisTriks System.


The name of the client should be entered in the system. The name can be short but must be unique.

Enter the text into the field.

This field is mandatory.


Click on the drop-down list and select client gender

This field is mandatory.


Enter the phone number of the client

This field is mandatory.


The email address of the client.

Enter the text into the field.

Enter a valid email address.

This field is mandatory.

Correspondence Address

Enter the address of the client.


These fields are mandatory.

Is Billing Address Same as Above

Select the tickbox if the client Correspondance Address is same as Billing Address.

Deselect the tickbox and enter Billing Address if the Correspondance Address is not same as client Billing Address.

Company Tab

Click the drop-down list and select the nature of the client.

Select the Individual if the client is an individual person.Select the Company if the client is a company.

If you select the Individual client from dropdownlist, the system automatically creates client with identical data.If you select company as customer type then you have to enter the company name in the corresponding company textbox.

This field is mandatory.*

Click on the button, Save Client Info, thus new client gets registered and their information gets saved.

If you do not wish to continue the client registration instead want to cancel. Then, click on close button, you will be redirected to home page.