Overall Activities


Overall Enquiries

  • Here you will find information about how many enquiries has been made till date about the company or its products. And you can also find details as to how many enquiries has been resolved and how many are still pending.
  • One can also find details about success rate.
  • The numerator represents the number of pending enquiries and the denominator represents the total number of enquiries Processed. Thus, by dividing the numerator by the denominator and multiply it with 100, you will get the success rate.


Overall Quotes

It offers information about, how many number of quotes have been accepted and the number of pending quotes. One can also find details about completion rate. The denominator is the total number of accepted quotes and the numerator represents the number of pending quotes.


Overall Orders

Here, one can find details about the total number of orders received by the organization. You will also be able to find details, about the number of orders completed and pending orders. One can also find details about sucess rate. The denominator is the total number of completed orders and the numerator represents the number of pending orders.


Overall Tasks

Here, one can find details about the total number of tasks received by the organization. You will also be able to find details, about the number of tasks completed and pending tasks. One can also find details about sucess rate. The denominator is the total number of completed tasks and the numerator represents the number of pending tasks.