Create Quote

You can create a Quote by manually entering the quote information into the LinguisTriks System.

Select Client

Click on the drop down list and select the Client.

This field is mandatory.

Language From

Click on the drop-down list and select Source Language.

This field is mandatory.

Language To

Click on the drop-down list and select the Target Language.

This field is mandatory.

Estimated Start Date/Time

Click on the text box and select the start date and time.

This field is mandatory.

Estimated End Date/Time

Click on the text box and select the end date and time.

This field is mandatory.

Service Nature

Here Enter the nature of the service.

Client Ref

Enter the Reference name of the client if any.

Quote Currency

Click on the drop down list and select the currency.

Click on the Create Quote button and Save the quote information.

Click on the Close button and return to Home Page.