Create Client For New Enquiry

This page helps manage the entire information about the specific enquiry.

1.Add Notes

Add note is a significant application, it does help make a note of significant information. It is easy to add a note, you are required to click on add notes and enter the text and it would be saved. Any time you can go back and check notes, you can also edit and delete the notes to suit your needs. Click here for more info.

2.Email Enquiry Info

You can respond to email enquiry’s made by clients. The e-mail enquiry can be related to charges, quote sent, invoices, taxes, discount offered, availability of linguists, payment dues, or it may be related to the varied services offered by the company. In the email enquiry, you can also recommend the best alternative solutions or you can politely refuse booking, if you are not in a position to provide discount to the clients. Click here for more info.

3.Create Client

You can create a client by manually entering the client's information into the LinguisTriks System.Click here for more info.


4.Save Enquiry

Click Save Enquiry button to save the updated enquiry Information into LinguisTriks system

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By click on the Go Back button you will get redirected to home page.