You can register a Vendor by manually entering the Vendor's information into the LinguisTriks System.
Click on the drop down list and select the Title.
This field is mandatory.
Enter the first name of the Vendor. The name can be short but unique.
Enter the text into the field.
The last name of the vendor. The name can be short but must be unique.
Select the Gender.
Enter the Address of the Vendor.
Enter the City of the Vendor.
Enter the Country of the Vendor.
Enter the Zipcode
Fill in the Phone Number of the vendor.
Enter the TelePhone Number of the vendor
The Email address of the vendor
The Date of birth of the vendor
Select the Languages Which you are proficient.
Click on the drop down list and select the Education Level.
Enter Any notes here.
Click on Update Vendor button to register the Vendor and Save information.
If you do not wish to make any changes, click on Cancel button to visit previous Page.