Enquiry Email

If the Clients have any enquiry on any Service rates , which needs to be resolved, they take a simple step, they send an email to the company. The customer service staff or the admin goes through each and every email sent by the client carefully and then sends an appropriate reply. Thus, The company is able to provide both effective as well as efficient service to all its clients.

This Email Template body includes the keywords :

  • @FromLanguage@ : From language is a Source Language.

  • @ToLanguage@ : To language is a Target Language.

  • @Service@ : The service type can be either Interpretation or Translation or it can be Transcription services.

  • @ServiceSubCategory@ : Under the service types we have sub categories like Phone Interpreting,F2F Interpreting,Script Translation, etc..

  • @CompanyName@ : The Company name is an identity for a company.

  • @ClientRef@ : If client has any reference he will share the details.

  • @RecipientName@ : It is the name of the person , who receives an email.

  • @ClientCompanyname@ : Name of the Client company

  • @Enquiry@ : This is unique enquiry ID which helps you to identify particular enquiry information.

  • @ClientProfileLink@ : client profile link will direct you to the client profile. The client profile page consists details about his account, contact information and services availed by the client.