Manage Currencies

In order to manage currencies, one should make sure, they select a default currency depending on where your business is based.

Sometimes company might transact in more number of currencies, then make changes, include all those currencies, which the company accepts.


Adding/Updating Currency is easy, you need to fill

  • Currency Code : This is a text box you need to fill with Currency Code.
  • Currency Symbol : This is a text box fill this with Currency Symbol.
  • Currency Country : Here you will find dropdownlist choose a country based on the currency you have selected.
Next, you need to click on Add Currency button to save information into LinguisTriks System.


You can disable a Currency information by using Delete button.This is not a permenant deletion, whenever required you can enable the Currency details by clicking on add button.


You can Edit the information of Currency by clicking on the green button in action.