Time Zone Types

A Time Zone is a specific region of the globe which observes a uniform standard time for commercial, legal and social purposes. The Time zone also indicates the number of hours by which the zone time is ahead of or behind the coordinated Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

On this page, you will find the sample template of varied Time Zones usually offered by the companies. You can add more Time Zones , which are not listed. That’s not all, you can also disable Time Zones which are listed on the page.

We have provided few sample Time Zone types please refer them and get an idea how it works.Click on Image to enlarge


Adding/Updating Time Zone is easy, you need to fill

  • Enter Item : This is a text box you need to fill Time Zone name.
  • Category : This is a text box fill this with Category as TimeZone.
Next, you need to click on Add Item button to save information into LinguisTriks System.


You can disable Time Zone information by using Delete button.This is not a permenant deletion, whenever required you can enable the Time Zone details by click on the add button.


You can Edit the information of Time Zone by click on the green button in action.